AS: Nursing Distinguished Majors Program & Spanish
AJ: Media Studies

What's your favorite Relay memory?
AS: My favorite Relay memory is definitely when I gave my speech at the Luminaria ceremony last year. The support I received was INCREDIBLE and it made me realize how truly important Relay For Life and the impact we make are to me.
AJ: My favorite memories have definitely been wearing the morph suit...especially around Grounds. It's so fun dressing up and dancing around!

Why do you Relay?
AS: I Relay for my mom. She passed away from brain cancer my senior year of high school and has since been my motivation and inspiration to fight this disease!
AJ: I Relay for my mom, who passed away from brain cancer this summer. I know that she would be so proud of all of the hard work and efforts I've put into Relay and finding a cure. I love you, Mom <3

What is your job for Relay 2014-15?
AS: I am a Survivorship co-chair for 2014-2015. That means, you should come to me if you know a survivor that you would like us to reach out to, want to be involved with reaching out to survivors, or are really good at making cancer awareness ribbons.
AJ: I am a Survivorship co-chair for 2014-2015 meaning I help with getting survivors more involved with the events on Grounds. You should come to me if you know any survivors or caretakers that would be interested in becoming involved!

What do you do on Grounds outside of Relay?
AS: A LOT of Nursing related things/CIOs, Honor, Madison House, etc
AJ: Tri Delta, Madison House, TSPA

Tell us one weird fact about yourself!
AS: I have two tattoos!
AJ: I used to live in Thailand!

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