KS: Sociology & Pre-Nursing
CS: Foreign Affairs with a minor in French
What's your favorite Relay memory?
KS: My first year I brought a poster I had painted that said my fundraising total so I could take a picture and surprise my mother with how much I had raised in her honor. I didn't know anyone involved with Relay at that point, so I asked 3 girls to take my picture with the poster in the photo booth to text to my Mom. The three girls ended up being 3 present and future event chairs of Relay at UVA, one of whom was my committee chair last year and all of whom have become friends of mine. That memory represents my favorite thing about Relay - the incredible passionate people who make up our family.
CS: The Relay for Life Luminaria ceremony has been one of my favorite memories. It was a great time to remember, reflect, and celebrate all in one.
Why do you Relay?
KS: Without a doubt for my Mom. She fights every day with such strength and grace, but somehow makes it look effortless. She's always been my role model, but now she just gives me more and more proof of why she's my hero.
CS: I Relay to provide a voice for those who currently struggle with cancer, for those who need help fighting, for those who want more birthdays, for personal loved ones, for the loved ones of my friends, and for those who want to celebrate life filled with health and happiness.
What is your job for Relay 2014-15?
KS: My job is to work to make sure that the Fundraising total that is revealed at 6am at Relay 2015 is the biggest it can be! Feel free to contact me with questions pertaining to hosting, attending, or working on a fundraiser. My co-chair, Connor, and I are also good resources for questions about personal fundraising or questions pertaining to donations!
CS: Anything in relation with Fundraising: what fundraising activity can participants host at Relay for Life and/or throughout the year, how can team members raise money for their team in general. Anything with donations and money can be discussed with me.
What do you do on Grounds outside of Relay?
KS: Zeta Tau Alpha New Member Coordinator, Madison House Medical Services Volunteer
CS: Madison House Volunteer, Dance Marathon Executive Member
Tell us one weird fact about yourself!
KS: I have a birthmark on my leg that's shaped like the state of Georgia.
CS: One of my life's greatest achievements was when I met Ryan Seacrest.