Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Meet Exec!

Meet the 2017-2018 Relay Exec Chairs!

Relay Chairs:

Caroline Biondo 

Year: Third
Major: Foreign Affairs
Why I Relay: My reasons to Relay (unfortunately) continue to grow. I Relay for Kathy Kleaka, Coach Deb Brown and Sally Kuisel. I want to live in a world where no one has to hear the words, "You have cancer."
Fun Fact: I have 2 fake teeth!

Maggie Low

Year: Fourth
Major: Public Policy and Leadership
Why I Relay: I relay for my Dad, who passed away from colon cancer. I also relay to celebrate, remember, and FIGHT BACK!

Entertainment Chairs:

Rebecca Richardson

Year: Fourth
Major: Politics
Why I Relay: I Relay so that the words "you have cancer" don't have to be heard ever again. I Relay in honor of Sam Cox and in memory of Brennon Picarella and B.B. Lind.
Fun Fact: I'm allergic to every animal with fur!!!!!

Derek Wu 

Year: Fourth
Major: Chemical Engineer
Why I Relay: I Relay for my father. When he was battling cancer, I saw the toll that battling cancer takes and I Relay so that others can see the hope and support that we provide.
Fun Fact: I have hit a hole in one in real golf!

First Year Recruitment Chairs:

Bailey Sanders

Why I Relay: 
Fun Fact:

Tamir Abbasi

Why I Relay:
Fun Fact:

Fundraising Chairs:

Anna Cooper

Year: Fourth
Major: Marketing and Management
Why I Relay: For Aunt Caroline, my friends & their families, and for Kendall.
Fun Fact: I've been cage diving with great whites!

Logan Buckstaff

Year: Third
Major: Comm
Why I Relay: For my grandpa, my uncle, and for millions of others who have lost loved ones to cancer
Fun Fact: I lived in London before LA

Finance and Logistics Chairs:

Laura Duke

Year: Fourth
Major: Math and Econ
Why I Relay:  I Relay to fight with and give strength to cancer patients, family members, friends, and caretakers, to honor those who lost their battle, and to support the survivors.
Fun Fact: My twin sister is the Entertainment Chair for Relay for Life at Syracuse!
Jeewoo Kim

Why I Relay:
Fun Fact:

Food Chairs:

Taylor Hogge

Year: Fourth
Major: Kinesiology
Why I Relay: I relay for the loved ones I've lost, all of those that have been affected by cancer, and for a cure!
Fun Fact: My closet is organized by color

Chelsea Umberger

Year: Fourth
Major: Kinesiology
Why I Relay: In honor of my Grandfather
Fun Fact: I have a freckle in my eye

Greek Recruitment Chairs:

Sam Brinkley

Year: Third
Major: Commerce
Why I Relay: My brother Hughes
Fun Fact: I enjoy fly fishing and hiking

Noah Kiernan

Why I Relay:
Fun Fact:

Mission and Outreach Chairs:

Katie Carr

Year: Fourth
Major: Global Public Health
Why I Relay: I relay in memory of my mom and so that soon cancer will be a thing of the past!
Fun fact: I love corndogs more than the any person should.

Savannah Draper

Why I Relay:
Fun Fact:

Publicity and Social Media Chairs:

Hannah Hecht

Year: Fourth
Major: Media Studies major & Art History minor
Why I Relay: I relay for my grandma, aunt, and grandfather who have all beaten cancer due to the progress that organizations like the American Cancer Society have made. I want to honor their strength and hope that we can find a cure to have more stories of people who have won the fight to this disease.
Fun fact: When I was in Africa we got charged by a bull elephant and we had to hop in our truck and run for our lives. They are still my favorite animal though and I have upwards of thirty stuffed animal elephants that I don't plan on getting rid of anytime soon.
Rita Cliffton

Year: Fourth
Major: Global Studies and Public Policy
Why I Relay: In memory of my Gammy Joan and in honor of my Dad winning the fight.
Fun Fact: I'm on the Ski Team at UVA and race competitively

Sponsorship Chairs:

Emily Smith

Year: Fourth
Major: Commerce
Why I Relay: I relay for my grandfather and for more birthdays!
Fun Fact: I've hiked the grand canyon!

Marisa Lombardi

Year: Third
Major: Commerce
Why I Relay: I relay for my cross country coach Mr. Hornish.
Fun Fact: I was born on New Years Eve.

Team Recruitment Chairs:

Ciana Deveau

Year: Fourth
Major: Biology and French
Why I Relay: I relay in memory of my dad!
Fun Fact: I've been to 49 states! (Just missing North Dakota)

Casey Baker

Year: Fourth
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Why I Relay: Friends, neighbors, teachers

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