Monday, February 3, 2014


Happy Relay season! 

Relay For Life at UVA is so excited to be back for the spring semester. We have 67 days until our big event on April 11-12th - and those 67 days are PACKED! We have so many exciting fundraisers and events to bring to Grounds and we can't wait to get started. To kick off the semester with a bang, we are challenging our participants and teams in two huge ways. 

The first challenge is our Freshman 15 Challenge! Be the first to recruit 15 new members to your team and win $50 towards your personal fundraising goal. That's $200 for your team's fundraising goal between personal donations and prize money!

Our second challenge is our 100 for $100 pledge! We want 100 people to pledge to raise $100 in the month of February. That's $10,000 all together for Relay For Life at UVA! 

Join us! Take the pledge here.

We can't wait to see what this semester has in store. Be sure to follow our calendar for upcoming events and check out our "GET INVOLVED" tab to find ways to join us in the fight, ideas to start fundraising, and more!

Finally, follow along on our journey here on our blog! We have tons of exciting fundraising ideas, Relay stories, and events to tell you about - so stay tuned!

With Relaylove, 

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