Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Since starting back up after break, Relay For Life at UVa has made some incredible strides for the 2013 season in just a few short weeks.  There are now 700 participants for the main event and as it gets closer and closer to April 19th, we want to see that number grow even more! So you know what that means? Keep signing up! Currently, we have raised over 33,000 dollars. Since the last blog post, that number has increased significantly, so why stop now, let’s give cancer a run for its money this year!
This month there are some amazing fundraisers going on around grounds, so be on the lookout! The Campus Cookies  “Like” Event started February 10th and ends March 3rd.  For every “Like” Campus Cookies’ Facebook page receives, they will donate 25 cents to Relay For Life. There is not an easier way to raise money for a great cause than with the click of a button. Go to www.facebook.com/CampusCookies and “like” away.
A special shout out goes to Hair Ties for a Cure, spearheaded by Lana Hoang. So far she has raised over 700 dollars by selling these super trendy non-hair crimping ties. They make great practical gifts, so if you’re looking for a little something extra for a special Valentine of yours and want to branch away from Teddy bears and chocolates, here you go! Also if you need to add the finishing touch to your little’s basket that you know will be used, this is the perfect thing. Visit the Facebook page for more information on ordering: http://www.facebook.com/events/149029531920489/?fref=ts
The month of February is also a very important month for Relay because it is our Pledge Month.  This month we hope to see numbers sky-rocket to make this the most successful year yet. Join us by pledging to raise 100 dollars this month by signing up at https://sites.google.com/site/relayatuva/; there is still a lot of time left!

Much Relay Love,
Relay For Life at UVA

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